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Henri Cartier Bresson.

I like this photo because of the way it is set out. There is a rain track going through the middle of the photo that divides the photograph in half. I think the train track acts like a divide for the rich and the poor as on one side of the track looks like a farm as it looks like there are hay bales in the corner. Where as on the other side there is two males wearing top hats and suits. Also there is a lot of detail with in the photo, the main thing that gets my attention is the train track and the bridge.

Garry Winogrand.

This photo interested me because there is a lot of people within the photo. Some of them getting on with there everyday life's, others standing and talking to each other, but what caught my attention is the male on the floor. This caught my attention because he is looking directly at the camera, also he is the only one that is on the floor. As he is the only one on the floor it makes me think about why he is on the floor when no one else is, what is wrong with he man on the floor?

William Klein.

i picked this photo because of the layout of the photo. The photo is a picture of a building with different people on different levels. Its as if they are from different classes, the higher you are on the building the higher class you are and the more money you have. There is a lot of detail with in the photo. I like the way the photo is presented, it gives you a lot of ways to think about the photo depending on your views and opinions.

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