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My Final Piece

For my final piece i used my second idea.

I printed of two portraits in A3, one in black and white of a person looking upset and one in colour of the same person with a smile on their face. I cut the coloured portrait in half but i kept the smile on the persons face visible, i did this so you can see the facial expression on both of the photos. I glued the coloured portrait on to the black and white one.

Next i sowed the two images together, i did this because they are both the same person so the are connected, just one side of them is going through a tuff time, as they have loads going on and they don't know who who to talk to so they are dealing with it by them self as they feel like they will just annoy people with their problems and the other side of them is talking to people about their problems because they have received the help from mind and is no longer dealing with the problems in their life by them self so life is a lot easier and they have the time to be happy.

I used a red sharpie to make the lips red, I did this to make the lips stand out so people could see the difference on the girls face more clearly, by making it stand out you can clearly see that one side of the image is struggling with life and that the other is enjoying life with a smile on their face because life is easier and they don't spend all their time worrying about their problems.

I changed the writing on my image to "the voices in my head are trying to kill me, the people around me are trying to save me." I did this because it goes better with the images, "the voices in my head are trying to kill me" this shows that the voices in the girls head are trying to control her thoughts and feeling which is why she is struggling so much with life, also why she doesn't ask for help and is doing it by herself because she feels like she can't be saved and that she is just wasting peoples time. "The people around me are trying to save me" this shows that she has got the help from people around her and they are trying to save her from the demons in her head and help her get better and stronger which is working because she has a smile on her face and is slowly starting to live her life again.

I chose this idea because is shows what it is like to deal with your problems by yourself and then it shows what it can be like when you receive help, as life slowly gets easier when you get help from the people around you and your friends and family. I can relate this image to Rankin's destroy project because i destroyed the image by cutting it in half, also i added it to a different photo so i never put the photo back together. I also destroyed the image by sowing the two images together. I like Rankin's work because it is destroyed in a unique way and it doesn't look like its been destroyed because of the way it has been created. I like my work because it has been destroyed in a way where it doesn't look awful and shows what i wanted it to show.

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