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The Built Environment.

On location, we are to shoot a series of 12 photos of the interior and exterior of buildings, they are to be in an objective style of photography to document what we see, like the work of Brend and Hilla Becher.

We are also shooting a black and while architectural print made from a 5x4 negative shot in a formal, objective style.

Artist: Bernd and Hilla Becher

The Becher’s produce industrial and architectural images, they travel all over the world to get the images that they produce. They take photos of the same things, they are very similar to each other, they are only slightly different whether it be a different angle or a different place. Their photos are put into series so that they can order and compare them. The series contain images of the same thing, I like how they put there images in series because you can see things in many different view points rather than just one, you can see the same things in different parts all over the world and I think that it teaches others that we are all not as different as we think we are. The photos that the Becher’s produce are very dull and boring but when put together they mean something more and are interesting.

Locations: College and Hall Park

Final Images and Write Up

These are my final images, i have put them into series, each series has four photos in. i created series because i like how they look, the first two series are of the same place just different angles. I like the first series because i like the way the colours go together, the photos are taken at different angles, they are taken at the college, the images have a lot of lines in.

My second series is taken at Hall Park of an old style building, i took the photos at different angles again, you can see different view points of the same building. I like how the colour green is one of the main colours because even though the building is old the colour green means, life, i feel like this means that the building is still alive even tho it is old. My last series is different images from inside the college, i like this because it shows you different things you can see inside the college.

Ideas: Take photos of different play areas in different places near where i live.

Artist Research: Andeas Gursky

Gursky uses photoshon to change the images and make them the way that he wants them to look. Some people don’t agree with his work because what he produces isn’t real because he changes the way the image looks. He uses photo shop to put loads of images into one, he creates cleverly constructed collages, to do this he uses linear composition so that all the lines line up to one another and looks like one photo as when you look at his images you can not tell that it is more than one photo in it. He avoids the idea of the desicive moment because he doesn’t agree with it because you can change the photo to make it the way you want it too. I like Gurskys work because he makes it his own with what he does with it, also it is unique and different. I love how he uses photo shop to make his work his own, I don’t always agree with using photo shop to edit photos but I like what he does with his images to make them his and not anyone else's.

Artist Research: Simon Terrill

Terrill is an Australian artist but he is based in London. He dos photography, sculpture, video and installation.

The Brutalist Playground. Abstract concrete playgrounds designed as part of post world war housing estates in mid twentieth century. RIBA to recreates these play structures in re-constructed form, a interactive play form where the viewers take part, it completes the work while offering a renewed understanding.

His work is also a photographic engagement of groups and crowds, he captures large scale gatherings of communities at specific sites, its the idea of showing the difference and space between personal and the public.

Location: Parks in Higham Ferrers

Final Images and Write Up

For my final images i took photos of park around where i live, i went to the main park and the parks around my estate. I pick four images from all the ones i took. i edited these images to make colours stand out more or to dull colours down, i did this because i wanted some colours to be brighter then others.

This is one of the mini parks around my estate, there isn't much in the park, just two slides and a few swings. In this photo i focus on the two slides. The slide further away is bigger, i dulled the colours on this slide by using photoshop, the smaller slide i made the colours brighter to make this slide stand out more. I did this because i wanted one to stand out more then the other, i made the first one stand out more because it was closer and the colours where nicer. As the park is in an housing estate there is houses all over the place, you can see the houses in the background from the estate. There is texture in this photo because of the wood chipping's on the ground, also there are lines because of the fence in the background, i think the composition in this image is gonna because there isn't a lot of empty space.

My second photo is of the main park in Higham Ferrers. In this photo you can see nearly the whole park besides a little corner of it. In this photo you can see that it wasn't a nice day which is why there are not any children about, in this photo i decided to make the colours red and green stand out, i did this because they are the main colours at the front of the image and i wanted them to be brighter so that you could focus on them more rather then focusing on everything in the images because there is a lot going on. I like that the left corner is empty besides a roundabout because i feel like there is too much going on in the rest of the photo. In this photo i also made the shadows darker and the lights brighter.

I took this photo in the main park in Higham but i focused on just one thing in the park i did this because in the last photo there was too much going on and i did want as much going on in my other photos. In this photo i messed around with the colours, i made the blues darker and the yellow brighter i also made the red darker, i made the shadows darker and the lights lighter. i made the blues are the reds darker so that the yellow would stand out, so that the climbing frame would be the main focus of the image. I like the composition of this image because the climbing frame is centred and there isn't any empty space.

This is my last image, this one is my favourite because it is different from all the others, in this image i have made the colours blue, green and purple brighter in this image and i have left all the other colours the same, i made the shadows darker and the lights lighter. I like this images however i don't like how bright the grass is. In this image there are lines and shape, i like the composition in this image because i like how i have the climbing frame at the front and the slide in the background. I like how the colour green is one of the main colours, it can symbolise the meaning of life and energy, i like it because when kids are at the park they are full of life and energy, just because there is no children around it doesn't mean that the park has no life or energy.

I can relate my work to Gursky and Terrill. Gursky, because i have used photoshop to make my images look the way i want, i edited my images to get colours to stand out where as Gursky edits his images to create collages as well as editing things out so that the image looks a certain way. Also i can relate them to Terrill because of his work on The Brutalist Playground with the RIBA, even tho i didn't rebuild the playgrounds like he did, my work is still related to his work, this is because it involves playgrounds. There are no children in my images because they were taken on a clod and gloomy day and also because some parents wouldn't appreciate it, however in Terrill's work there is children because he rebuilt playgrounds and children are playing on his work.

The creative process allowed me to develop my plans further and if i had more time to recreate this, i would visit more parks and show how parks are different to one another. I would do this because some parks are bigger than others where as some are really small like ones you find in housing estate, also i would like to include children playing in the park, also i would show different kids play areas such as, skate parks and soft play areas. I would do this because it would show different ways that children have fun and it shows different places, it also shows that not all kids like to play in the same places which is why there are so many different kinds of children's play areas. Another idea is that i could use one of these images and make them 3D i could add things on to the photo, i could use foam board and add parts of the slide on top of what is already there or i could use foam board and add new things into the image but still of things you can find in a park.

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