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Subjective Portraits.

Produce a series of six images on location that describe an individual person, their lifestyle, character, relationships.

Subjective: to be emotionally involved with the photo, to show a diary of events that happen in a persons life.

Photographers: Nan Goldin, Robert Frank, William Eggelston, Corrine Day, Larry Clark.

Ideas for the shoot:

Shoot in the day time, showing two different sides of a person, a shy side and a more confident side.

Research: Cindy Sherman.

Cindy Sherman explores the construction if contemporary identity and the nature of representation. She has been her own model for more then 30 years, she captures herself in a range of guises and personas, amusing and disturbing, distasteful and affecting. By doing all this work herself she has multiple roles, photographer, model, make up artist, hair dresser, stylist and wardrobe mistress. She alters her physique and surroundings to create a range of characters from the screen siren to clown to aging socialite.

Final Images and Write Up

These are the first three of my final six images. They show some one who is very shy within them self. Someone who doesn't have much self confidence, i did this shoot with her in Hall Park because it is surrounded by nature and animals which is something she loves very much, i did this because i thought it would make her more confident and it eventually did. I like these photos because they show a side of her that a lot of people see, she can sometimes be outgoing but only around people she is really close too.

In this images she is centred in the middle of the photo, she has a smile on her face but is turning away from the camera which shows that she is shy. i like the composition of this photo with how she is centred and all around her is nature, which is something she loves very much.

In the next photo she is slightly of centred, she is leaning through the gaps in the trees to try and escape the camera, just like the first photo she is looking away from the camera because her self confidence is very low, i like this photo because you can see the colour of the leaves on the floor and the pattern that they create. You can also see the light from the sun on the grass in the background and o the tree, you can see the pattern on the bark from the tree in the photo, i feel like this add texture to that images as it doesn't look smooth.

This photo happens to be my favourite one from these first three. This is because you can see the whole of her, she is just of centre again but you can see so much around her. she is sat on a rotting broken tree that is on the ground, in the distance you can just see the museum building that is in Hal Park, you can see loads of patterns around her, there is a lot going on in this photo but with how shy she is i think its a good things because it means that she isn't the main focus in this image.

The next three photos that go with this series shows a more confident side of her, she looks happy and less intimidated by the camera, these photos are still taken in the same place and she is still surrounded by nature.

In this photo she is smiling, she is on the same log as she was in one of the first three images to this series. The way the sun is on her face makes her one of the main focuses in this image and i like that because she looks so much more confident then what she does from the first one. I also like how the green from the plants in the background stand out as they circle around her and draw your attention to her. Again there is a lot going on in this photo but even with that i feel that your attention is on the girl more then anything else because of the way the sun is, also the fact that she is in the middle of the image.

This photo is completely different to the rest of the photos in this series, i feel like it stands out from all the other photos. There is a glare in the photo because of the way the sun had reflected on the lens when i took it. The trees in the background makes it look like we are in a forest. She is leaning on a big wooden chair, because of the way this photo is taken the wooden chair is the main focus but when you look at her she looks confident and comfortable within herself in this photo.

This is the last photo in the series, i took this photo just as she glanced up at the camera with a smile on her face, she is playing with some twigs, she is slowly starting to become her complete self behind that camera which is why i left this photo to last. She is the main focus in this image. You can clearly see the patterning in the tree in this image, also the colour of the grass stands out. i like how happy and confident she looks in the photo, the way she has progressed in confidence from the first few images is amazing.

These images reflect the work of my chosen artist because she shows different personas through her work, my work is also different from hers because i used someone else to be my model where as she used herself.

If i was to do this again i would use someone who is more confident with them self as a person to show how different people act differently around a camera, i would also do it in a different location and have a range of different shots, i would also try and use a different artist and make my work into more of a diary of what happened.


A day time shoot around a school, using different parts of the school to get different photos, what happens when you and your friend get bored and you have a camera with you.

Artist: Wolfgang Tillmans

Tillman's is an influential contemporary German photographer, he creates snapshot documentations of youths, clubs and LGBTQ culture. His work has expanded to include diarist photography, large scale abstract work and commissioned magazine work. He was born in Germany but spent the early years of his career in London. He captures landscapes from airplane windows, still life's of crustaceans such as crabs, shrimps, krill and woodlice, he also takes portraits. His subjects range from practically nude friends in seemingly private moments to arrangements of domestic items on windowsills.

Final Images and Write Up.

These images are taken around a school, it happened when me and my mate got bored and had nothing to do, so this is like a snapshot documentary of the best photos i took that day. She is a very confident person and that show in these photos she is happy and content with who she is and how she looks and you can see that with in these photos.

This photo is taken in the quad of the school, which is the middle of the school grounds. I like how the colours go together, you can patterns within the plants in behind her as well as in the brick walls and all the lines in the benches. She is sat in the middle third of this image, meaning that she is very centred and the main focus of the image.

In this image there is a plain background with just the patterns from the way the bricks are laid out, even though the background is bare you can still see that she is a confident person, you can this by the way she is in this photo, she doesn't care what other people think about her because she is happy the way she is. she stands out a lot in this photo because of the plain background and the colour of her clothes.

In this images i have used the same background, this time she has a slight smile on her face and is leaning against the wall, she looks kind of serious in this photo. Again, you have the lines from the brick wall, you also have the texture from the wall. I like this photo because it shows how confident she is, the camera doesn't bother her at all, she is happy with her self.

In this photo she is sat on a wall by the sports hall and music block. She is in the centre of the photo, there is something in every third of this photo and she is in the middle, there are lines in this photo, most the lines you can see you upwards, they make you look at her more., the green from the grass and the brush brings colour into the photo, i like that there is some bright colours in it because it makes the photo look better, if it had all dark colours in it wouldn't look as good. This is one of my favourite photos in these five because she looks so confident and comfortable in herself, the sun is shining on one side of her face, it means the other half of her face is shadowed because of the positioning.

This photo was taken in the girls toilets of the school. We took a mirror selfie of the two of us so we had a photo together rather then just solo ones. We did this so we could remember our day because we don't get to see each other that much. I like this photo because the only detail in the reflection in the mirror, I like this fact as it means that you focus on the people in the mirror and there is nothing around to distract you with so you focus on the main things. The fact that the only detail is in the mirror also means that the images is very boring, but i like the way it looks.

These images reflect the work of my chosen artist because i have created a snapshot documentary. I have created a diary of what me and my mate did in a few hours. I like what i have created because it was a good time with my mate and i was able to crete work that i could use. I like the images i have created because they have formal elements in, also they show who my mate is as a person and thats what i wanted them to portray.

If i was given more time to do this i would change my approach, the creative process helped me come up with this idea. I would, stand back and not be involved in the snapshot diary, i would just stand on the slide lines and i would take photos of what others do in their day to day life. I would do this because it would show something different i wouldn't be emotionally involved with the photos i would just be documenting what i see, unlike all the photos i have taken in this task, i have been emotionally involved so it would be nice to have a completely different approach and view point in my images. This would help show that i can work in different styles rather then just the same style, it would give me a wider range of images and would help me to progress further in the world of photography.

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